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My name is Helen or as my mother calls me Helu (Heh-Lou) for short. I’m an overthinker and totally overthinking what to write and share for this about me page. I could tell you that I’m a woman, an adamant believer in a higher power, a wife, a sister, daughter, mother, but none of those things are sufficient in my opinion to encompass all that I am.
So, for now I’ll just tell you that my purpose (I think) is to learn and grow in every aspect of life. And since I can’t imagine that this purpose is unique to me, I figured I’ll document it. Writing has always been a safe space for me, a space where I can access my highest self after some proper venting and releasing of negative energy of course.
I’m writing to hold myself accountable so I don’t make the same mistakes in life, so I can remember all the lessons that I have learned and will learn. I also want to keep all the things that I like in one place like quotes, cool podcast episodes, or anything else that I find interesting or helpful.
The only reason I’m sharing it with you all is because it may just save someone from the trouble of going through the same mistakes that I have. It also may help someone gain insight into a particular issue/dilemma allowing them to move through it quicker.
In conclusion I hope that this is a page that you will bookmark because ultimately, it’s meant to be a positive and helpful place. Come back soon!
Reader Beware: If you cannot take a joke or understand sarcasm this page is probably not for you.